
Blood on the tracks: travel, menstruation and those other leaks  

Blood on the tracks: travel, menstruation and those other leaks   

December. The time of year when our calendars are filled with end-of-year meetings, parties and travel itineraries. Catching up with colleagues, friends and family in other cities can be fun, but extensive time on the road takes its toll on our bodies. I have personally travelled a lot, from China to Mexico, Italy to South Africa, and I know firsthand the discomfort involved travelling with your periods and bladder weakness.

Watch the clock

Even if your period is not due for another few days, travel can disrupt your flow. It is not uncommon for your periods to start earlier than expected. I do recall getting caught out whilst on a train travelling through beautiful Rajasthan in India. Of all the countries and places this would have to be one of the most taboo places on earth to have your menstrual periods arrive unexpectedly. Having been thrown off first class as we had purchased the wrong train tickets, we were now seated in third class. Let’s just say the toilets were not a place I wished to visit. But with no Modibodi underwear to protect me, I had to make the choice, bleed all over my pants and be the shame of India, or visit the most unsanitary toilet system in India. For those who have experienced third class train toilets in India, it is really rough, and very unsightly. I wonder sometimes now how that experience could have been so much easier had I invented my Modibodi underwear. Yes I know some Indians put up with this on a daily basis, and that isn’t fair, but wouldn’t it be nice if every Indian woman had a pair of Modibodi’s that could protect her when she needed to travel!! Maybe one day…

Take that toilet break

No matter where you are going, always take the chance to go to the bathroom at regular intervals – especially if you are prone to urinary tract infections and bladder weakness. Hold-ups at passport control or boarding a flight can be brutal and take longer than expected. My worst nightmare on a plane is the trolley lady. You’ve all been there right, an urge to go, then looking behind and realising that you now have to wait 20 minutes because the trolley lady is blocking the path. I have been caught out one too many times, but these days with the security of my Modibodi’s on, it doesn’t make me panic and amazingly I can control those leaks when I don’t panic.

So be prepared

Unless you are lucky enough to be seated in first class, flying ranges from bearable to uncomfortable. Our Period Starter Pack contains a menstrual cup and one pair of Modibodi (among other extras – republica hot chocolate and MooGoo lipbalm), which are perfect for travelling. Instead of packing panty liners, pads and tampons in your luggage, wear Modibodi underwear up in the air for peace of mind no matter where you end up, and pack a menstrual cup for heavier days.

My essential Carry On Bag packing list

  • Modibodis (wear them on the day you fly, plus spares in your bag)
  • Menstrual cup (packed in clear Ziploc pack)
  • Hand sanitiser (packed in clear Ziploc pack)
  • Tissues
  • Refillable water bottle
What are your essential carry-ons when you travel?
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