
Tips from a dietitian: how to get rid of period bloating

how to reduce period bloat

Tips from a dietitian: how to get rid of period bloating

For many of us who menstruate, the arrival of your period can bring on a range of unwanted physical and emotional changes. The worst of them all? Period bloating. 

This sudden increase in water retention and tummy cramping can leave you feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious, and understandingly irritable. 

But don’t worry, because there are a few different ways to help get rid of period bloating immediately! In this article, we get health and fertility Dietician Ebony Crameri’s top tips for reducing period bloat and alleviating discomfort during your period. 

From the underlying causes to practical tips and lifestyle adjustments that can help you banish bloat and take back some control over your menstrual health, we cover it all below.


What is period bloating and why do we get it? 

If you’ve ever experienced period bloating, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common symptoms of PMS. “It is thought that period bloating occurs due to changes in our sex hormones progesterone and estrogen,” explains Ebony.

“Changes in these hormones cause the body to retain more fluid and sodium, which contributes to feeling bloated. Progesterone & estrogen also affect our digestion, and changes in these hormones can cause our digestion to slow down, resulting in constipation, bloating and excess wind.”



How to get rid of period bloating

But there’s some good news! We’re going to share how to reduce your period bloat with some simple, yet powerful lifestyle habit changes., 

Here are Ebony’s top five bloat-busting tips she uses to help her clients find relief during their period. 


Tip #1 – Eat calcium rich foods

According to research, women that consume enough calcium in their diet are less likely to suffer from period bloating and other PMS symptoms. A systematic review showed that calcium supplements or a diet rich in Vitamin D and calcium can improve serum levels of these nutrients during the luteal phase – helping to eliminate or improve PMS symptoms.


Tip #2 – Stay hydrated

When Progesterone is high in the lead up to your period, it can slow down digestion and cause constipation and bloating. To reduce period bloat, make sure you’re drinking enough fluids and eating enough fibre. This is essential for having regular, healthy bowel movements.


Tip #3 – Peppermint oil capsules

Peppermint oil capsules have been shown to reduce period bloating and excess wind in people with IBS. Peppermint oil capsules are generally well tolerated; however long-term studies are yet to be completed, so always start these supplements under the guidance of your healthcare professional to make sure it’s safe and that you’re getting the right dose for you.


Tip #4 – Get moving

With digestion naturally slowing down in the lead up to your period, it’s normal to feel sluggish, bloated and gassy. But it’s important to keep moving! Light physical activity such as swimming, walking or yoga can help get your digestion moving and help get rid of period bloating overnight.


Tip #5 – Go easy on salt

We know this one’s tough for salty food lovers! But excess salt promotes fluid retention, which naturally occurs just before you get your period. During this time, it’s best to avoid processed foods or adding too much salt to your cooking and meals.



Period underwear that’s comfy on your period

While annoying and uncomfortable, period bloating is completely normal. Along with these tips, you can also try our range of soft on skin period underwear designed with a lace waistband that sits comfortably on your tummy while bloated. 

As always, if your bloating or PMS symptoms are severe, causing you distress or impacting your daily life, please seek help from your doctor.  

Ebony Crameri is women’s health & fertility Dietitian with over 10 years clinical experience.  Ebony created her online nutrition practice, Project Nutrition, to help women take control of their hormonal & reproductive health. Her goal is to help women have healthier menstrual cycles, support their hormone health & improve their fertility using nutrition. We reached out to her to get a few tips and set some facts straight. 


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